Monday, April 30, 2007

fine tuning, more for my sake than anyone elses

I need somewhere to store this list, and here seems to be the most appropriate.

Things I need to finalise in the next week:

Costumes - mostly for Alice. Once we've picked and actor and I know her body type I can find exactly what I'm looking for. Will be aiming for the pseudo-goth look though, so the black and fluro pink nail polish will be coming out of the vault. Watch out!

Set design - I need to get my hands on a bland checked tablecloth, preferably of the green variety, to match the funky art deco ovens in our beloved kitchen. Somehow want to incorporate that pet budgie into the mix, but fear I'm becoming too adventurous for my own good :P

Props - I'm trying to think of new and inventive ways to incorporate boob-like imagery into the shots.. Nothing like a bit of tongue in cheek (and if Hitchcock can get away will phallic symbolism, then we can do the reverse!).. Might invest in a cheap fruit bowl and some well-rounded apples.. or peaches if you're that way inclined.. haha.

I'm sure there were more things. No doubt they'll come to mind when I hit 'publish'.

I'm kind of crabby that work won't give me the time off to come to this weeks castings.. But if I'm not earning cash, I'm not gonna be able to buy all of this stuff, and it's no secret that a production designer's is probably the most financially demanding - because when I visualise what I want, only I can really go about getting it. I just wish the same went for an endless pile of money...

Friday, April 27, 2007

what a scene

Today was a barrel of laughs. Two dead batteries (both for the sound box AND battery box), loss of script and loss of actors who had to leave at 1:30 for their respective classed. Dramas, dramas, is there something about the genre that to some extent effects the nature of the job? I wonder. Despite being sabotaged, though, it seems to have gone alright. I suppose I'll have a better idea once I see the footage uploaded in post.

We ended up with two female actors - one brunette whose name I can't remember, and a girl named Elanore who played Lenny (ironically, her nickname actually is Lenny.. haha.. serendipity perhaps?). I think it worked better with women to be honest, but I'm scared we might've overlooked something as we didn't have a copy of the original script to work off.. I swear losing my lecture notebook has thrown me completely off kilter with this subject. Freaking pain in the rear is what it is.

Kudos to Latch for bringing along the storyboard. Although, it would have been better to see a bigger variety of shots to work with as opposed to more of the same, unimaginative mid-shot type stuff. The camera movement was good though, and I was pleased we managed to incorporate a fresh setting that no other students would have chosen.

I felt pretty daft being responsible for sound, but I learnt a hell of a lot about the technical side of things, even just sending signals and stuff to the camera to try and get the correct levels. No doubt it will take a few more goes before I can confidently say 'I know what I'm doing', but it was nice nevertheless to step outside of the visual role and just focus upon the audibility of something... Like ordering lemonade instead of Coke or any equivalent switch in default choice.

We have heaps to organise for PC this weekend. I've burnt copies of the shots we took last week for the boys, so at least we'll have something to model our storyboard off. Good times.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

the early bird gets the worm... or the grab

The filming of the PR breakfast with Josh and Ed of 3rd yr Media went well yesterday... Woke up at the bitchin' hour of 5:30am in order to haul arse to Spring St by 6:15. I wasn't in the best of moods. The other stress-addled folk only seemed to exacerbate this, but by 7am we were all systems go and had been given the green light to tuck into our Continental (ha ha) breakfasts, so things weren't all gloom. In fact the day itself turned out to be lovely - sunny even - and it was a delight to work with two guys who had the levels of experience that those two did.

I actually didn't feel out of place not knowing as much as them.. I just paid attention and asked as many questions as I could. It was nice feeling welcomed into unfamiliar territory, as I was initially quite worried about how the events would transpire (and consequently, how much shit we'd end up in if we buggered anything up). It was my first time getting to work with radio mics, so I found that particularly useful from a technical perspective.

For most of the morning I was responsible for taking the still shots, which I've already burnt onto disc to give to Carey when I go in for tomorrow's prac. Josh did the bulk of the filming, and I take my hat off to him for putting in such a fine effort. Though I wonder how that Tim Flanney story ended up in the news? There were more journos present than you could sink a ship with, but from what I could tell there were no other film crews. It'd be bloody exciting if the work of us lowly students was unwittingly broadcast on national TV, dontcha think?

In short, I'm really glad I volunteered to do this. I'm slowly building up enough confidence to be able to tackle the technical side of things and thus contribute something meaningful to the overall production process. You know what they say - one step at a time.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

i <3 suburbia

Nestled somewhere within the quaint greenery of melbourne's inner South East lays a charming brick veneer home that will become the location for my group's TV1 project.

We met up yesterday afternoon at said location, in Orange St East Bentleigh, and each pretty much fell instantly in love with its rustic appeal (you should see the old-style green oven.. it's TO DIE FOR). The backyard is a bit shabby, I'm trying to convice the others that it makes for a crap establishing shot and we ought to be focusing more on Alice. Other than that though we have good access and most of what we need is already there, we'll just need to organise/prepare the food and figure out a way of doing the plate smashing So we've got that sorted. I brought along my digital camera and we took a few snaps to help piece together the storyboard. Will burn those onto disc/memory stick so everyone else has a copy for their perusal.

I've already started gathering props for our characters. Bought a $4 pipe for Mike the other day, and am hunting around for a grandpa hat as we speak. Found a 'desperate housewife' apron for Lou as well - utter gold. Will be gathering emo-style posters to make one of the bedrooms look more like a girl's room.. might throw in a bit of Leonardo di Caprio for good measure as well :P

On that note, I'm going to finish watching the rest of The Departed now.

Friday, April 20, 2007

saboteurs, ye be ware

Didn't end up filming in the pracs today... Instead, we practised setting up from scratch (mind you our kit had some of the shonkiest cord etiquette I've EVER seen) and spent the second half doing a mock-Lenny shoot as a class. I then proceeded to make a royal ass of myself as impromptu camera op, cementing the age-old belief that us Prof Commers are the resident incapable twats of bulding 6. Haha.. arrhhg, such embarrassment. To be honest my fear and loathing of the apparatus surprised even me... I mean, am I wrong to be overwhelmed by $20,000 worth of gear? I'm a pretty paranoid person as it is, and you can bet your bottom dollar that even the mildest scare tactics work with me where expensive gear is concerned. Sigh. At least I've managed to memorise all the little on-set catch phrases, and in their correct order no less.

Location scouting this weekend. Hopefully that'll be a more fortuitous endeavour. I really, really, really want to find a way to invest my energy into this project to make it worthwhile. Really.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

tail wind's a long way off

Tomorrow we begin filming for Lenny.
I'm rather apprehensive about this, because last night's meeting revolved around tieing up loose ends with our drama script (we ended up choosing Potato Cakes, YESS!) rather than getting a storyboard together for tomorrrow. So with any luck we won't fail and will hopefully be able to shoot as per the notes we made in class last week... Only problem is, Jen isn't going to be around for the next few pracs and I've MISPLACED my TV1 notebook. I don't think this semester could be any more of a shambles if it tried... and I have a feeling this head wind won't subside anytime soon... argh.

Despite my best efforts to become more of a presence in this so-called 'group' project, I've pretty much landed the most minor role possible: Production Design. I'm not going to pretend to be happy with this, but seeing as the decision had been made prior to my consultation, there's not exactly a lot of choice. Yeah, I'm annoyed that my talent and enthusiasm aren't going to be utilised to their full extent. But at the same time, I'm too over this project to really let it get to me. What started out as the highlight of my year has quickly become the biggest anti-climax... I don't know if it's the way these classes are structured or what, but lately all I seem to be feeling is either completely petrified about filming or totally out of place in all my non-media degree glory.

It's probably not a good idea to be going on about this here, so I'll just put a lid on it for now. On the plus side, nothing can affect my love for this medium, so I know I'll always put 110% into anything with my name attached to it. I guess I just wanted my last year of undergrad to stand for more, you know? I wanted to push my own limits and capabilities and take complete ownership of something, like I did with Broadcast, but it doesn't look like I'm going to get that chance. I guess all there really is left to focus on is honing my own skills and understanding to try and get as much out of this as I can. I want to walk into next semester with the confidence to assert my beliefs... Just got to pull through this first.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


They say it's the little things that keep you going - and I can definitely attest to this. Matt Fitz complimented my script this morning and it just felt like the biggest wave of relief... maybe it's a Prof Comm thing where we're all helping to keep each other's heads above water.. I don't know. But knowing someone read it and didn't feel like they'd just wasted their time was somehow enough for me. A glimmer of hope that I've got something to offer to this industry, something real.

Will update more later. In between class and due to have a test. Good times, good times.

opportunity knocks

I found out today that I didn't get the PR job I applied for. Apparently I was at the top of the ranks until a girl who's graduating this semester had her interview, so it turned out her availability was more ideal. I'm not entirely bothered by this - if anything it means less chaos on my end as I won't have to juggle my set hours at the bank with being on-call - and it means I can be more directive with my degree and the focus I wish to take with it.

I've always been somewhat torn between the two quite divergent disciplines of PR and Media Production. Majoring in both has been pretty full-on at both ends, and my reasons for enjoying them have been radically different. With PR it's had more to do with my desire to become a better communicator through the practice of writing and theorising - whereas with production it's been purely a matter of creative release, as instinctual as breathing and just as necessary. I have a few theories about serendipity, and I think the fact that I missed out on this job is suggesting that I get my priorities straight. I have the chance now to settle for good on the goal of working in production instead of getting sidetracked with what is basically a hobby over a passion... It's exciting, but a little daunting - I always like to have a back-up plan, but that kind of seems like a cop-out when we're talking in terms of life ambitions and dreams...

I'm pulling myself up on yet another introspective rant. My bad.

Next week I'm helping film the PR breakfast (ironic, eh) with Ed and Josh from 3rd year Media - should be good, although we've gotta rock up to the Windsor at some ridiculous hour like 6:30am... The free breakky had better be worth it!

Production meeting in about 20 minutes. Fingers crossed we'll have decided our roles, scripts, and formulated some plan of action for Friday's class. I wish our schedules were coordinated a little better so we didn't have to wait around for each other, but so it goes with these things. Daresay I'll be considerably less antsy once we've actually chosen a script...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

scorsese = god

I bought The Departed on DVD today :D I'd been meaning to go to JB Hifi for ages, I've had $70 worth of vouchers sitting around since my birthday (read: SEPTEMBER last year), so figured this little venture was long overdue.

But perhaps even more exciting than adding another of my favourite titles to the swag was the bonus CD to come with it - Scorsese on Scorsese. The man on the man! I'm so excited I'm practically wetting myself. This is definitely being fast-tracked to the top of the must-see pile before the group gets on location and starts to film.

The man is more than an inspiration. He is a divine entity unto himself.


it is going to take me ten thousand years to read through bloody all of 'em.

Friday, April 13, 2007

black friday

I had a swag of assessment due today, one piece of which will have to be handed in on Monday. Joy.

We've begun visualising for our Lenny exercises, which is proving to be somewhat interesting. There are so many different ways to go about this, but somehow I can picture all of ours looking the same if you know what I mean. To be honest I think everyone's starting to become too wrapped up in their individual projects to really put a lot of constructive thought into making Lenny a success... but it'll be good nonetheless to go through the mini-motions of a production project in order to fine tune ourselves for the real deal.

I'm tempted to suggest we rip off the Hitchcockian idea of introducing our two characters via their shoes. Anyone who's seen Strangers on A Train will know what I'm talking about (Bruno/Guy are contrasted via the sorts of shoes they are wearing and the direction in which they are walking, as well as the steps of their feet and the music that accompanies each.. ah, good times they were, good times). Hopefully we can all work out a time we're free this week to get this show on the road.. the sooner we can knock off smaller stuff like Lenny, the more energy we'll have to concentrate on other, more pertinent stuff.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

should have put this up before, but it deserves a place

“…you can’t blame either of them for leaving me to rot like this”

Fiend is a short film that deals explicitly with the intense psychological conflict surrounding chemical addiction. Following on from the dramatic themes touched upon in Crank (2006) and Spun (2002), the film explores the insidious nature of substance abuse – notably, of the prolific street drug "ice" (methamphetamine). Peering beyond the realm of Melbourne's social castes, the film centres around the zombie-like existence of a young man on a seeming-downward spiral. As he tries to grapple with the death of his mother, a failed relationship and a financially debilitating speed habit, Arty's world is thrown off balance as he questions his ability to live with himself – whoever that might be. Unable to reconcile his ‘inner’ persona with the ‘bright and shiny’ euphoria wrought by the drug, he embarks on a confronting quest to find his way back to self-acceptance. In so doing, Fiend examines and rejects popular conceptions of reality, faith, and humanity, while offering solace in the enigmatic beauty of art and cinema.

[/end concept]

Also, getting a start on next week's readings. That dossier is one fat little comprehensive sumbitch. No-one can say they weren't advised on how to do anything! The emphasis on group work is a little jarring, but necessary all the same. Got to get out of solo-mode at some stage, I just wish I knew more folks who had gone into the telly stream. Damn you all for going over to the dark side(s)! We'll show 'em.. we'll show 'em up good.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

contextualising my appreciation...

Just a random thought I had...

I remember being asked in Week 1, what my favourite film was. I answered, in earnest, The Prestige.

It's hard for me because a favourite film, to me, just classes as the one that has most recently inspired or evoked some kind of affirmation in you that the path your headed down is absolutely the right one.

Basically, when I watch a film, what I'm really looking for (above all else) is a sense of conviction. I need that to be sure of what I'm doing.

While it does have many complex layers, what really made the film for me was structuring of time and cause and effect. Without these two things, a film cannot truly succeed as a film... it becomes linear, boring, obtuse.

The world needs more directors like Christopher Nolan.

And for now I need sleep...

Friday, April 6, 2007

good friday.. good times?

So we're officially 'on a break'. It really doesn't feel like we should be. I don't feel like I've covered sufficient enough ground to have earnt a break from uni, but I'd best use this time wisely while I've got it, hey.

I like how we're being taught all different facets of the production roles. This week had a particularly good reading, entitled 'The Director and the Actor', and I guess having never made a real drama before (only ever did some stage when I was younger), I never really pictured myself having to realise my vision of a role through someone else. It's so fascinating and complex, one can't help but be taken by it all. If I get to direct at some stage this year, I guess I'll see for myself what it's like to have wear that all-important hat.

Sigh. Can't wait to read other peoples' scripts. I want to know what they came up with. In some sense it would have been good to read a few more before handing mine in (the only one I got to read was Latch's, 'cause he asked me to out loud in class). Ah well. Something to look forward to I guess.

I'm in the (rare) mood for a trashy horror film. Any takers?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

' gets to a point where it's very ego-centered'

That's a direct quote from Scorsese in the first of this week's readings.

He's talking in relation to longer takes, and how some of the directing greats utilised them to their advantage. I guess he's right - this sort of profession has a certain kind of ego-magnestism to it - especially when so very many of us are at the mercy of our idols. I'm thinking, though, that in order to be honest in the way you make films, you need to be able to trust your own instincts. You have to be open to compromising some of your initial preconceptions.

'Even if there was a certain look on his face, I'd rather cut into that shot for (it)'.

So much of what happens on set is not pre-meditated, and some of it's not necessarily bad. For example, when an actor improvises a certain phrase or line, or gives a word a different inflection... it can change the emotional tone of an entire scene, and thus affect the framing, filming and overall mood. I like to think that while you can never really plan enough, and that all forms of pre-production are 100% necessary, you're not 100% required to stick to your shot lists on the day of the shoot. You can't really afford to set things in stone when so much of what you do is causal.. and we know how unpredictable (and at times, unreliable) people can be.

Scorsese also suggests that creativity and creative interest goes beyond the realm of 'talent' and becomes more a matter of instinct:
'Where I set the camera is just something I feel'.

And we feel it, too.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

we could all do with some theatrics brighten the day.

David's lecture this morning was an absolute doozie. I love having my 6 hours of straight classes brightened by the nutso antics of my peers, namely Latch, whose ridiculously dispassioned performance might've helped demonstrat what to film - but certainly not how not to act. Gold.

We're coming up to break time now so with any luck we'll all be able to get out acts and our heads together enough to prepare ourselves for the ride the rest of this semester is going to be. I've got that much to do it isn't funny. I should probably be in bed now, but will have something more meaningful to contribute tomorrow when I've done the rest of the readings.

nighty night.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

april fool's day

We're now a quarter of the way through the year, folks. Clap clap, the best is over, brace yourselves for the terror that is yet to come.

Also, the census date has passed which means there's no backing out now.